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Weekly Alluviance #61: Playing the Long Game of Sales


A dear friend of mine just got let go from the company that he's been with for almost a decade. He is an absolute beast of a sales leader and got promoted consistently throughout that time.

At one point, it seemed like he was on a trajectory to be running the entire sales organization for this multi-billion dollar company. And then, just like that, he was no longer employed.

In one sense, it pisses me off to see things like this happen to great people who pour their heart and soul into these organizations. On the other hand, I have so much trust that this is going to be a huge blessing for this person.

Why do I believe that with such certainty?

Because from the moment I met him, I could tell he was playing the long game.

What does it mean to be focused on the long game of sales and what was he doing along the way? I'm so glad you asked 😜

  1. Building a huge network of supporters: he has no shortage of people he's built relationships with and helped along the way who have his back

  2. Investing in mentorship: he always had mentors both within the company and outside it who were guiding his success and career trajectory every step of the way

  3. Focusing on personal development: we met back in 2017 in a sales development program. We were both doing this program outside of our companies and investing in ourselves. Not surprisingly we still find ourselves in similar containers all this time later

  4. Developing as a leader: he went from being an individual contributor to managing teams of teams and the leadership development he received along the way is priceless

  5. Connecting to something bigger than himself (and his former company): an important part of the inner game work we do at Alluviance that has been a part of his journey is to gain clarity on the vision that your higher self is calling you into

On a person level, I've been there. I got let go as part of covid reductions. It certainly took a swipe at my ego, but I was so focused on the long game of what was most important to me. Shortly afterwards, Alluviance was born, and I've never looked back.

In a world where people are commodities and even the best are easily disposable, the greatest advice I can give you is to invest in yourself and play the long game.

1. The Rising Leader Podcast:

Cultivating Culture: How to Foster Innovation and Authenticity with Adam Robinson

Adam Robinson, the visionary behind, takes us through his remarkable journey from a finance professional to a leading tech entrepreneur. Adam shares the challenges and wins of building a business from the ground up, showing you the power of authenticity, resilience, and a steadfast commitment to excellence. His unique approach to leadership, marked by vulnerability and transparency, offers wisdom and advice about overcoming challenges and harnessing the true potential of a team. As Adam talks about his evolution, you’re invited to reflect on your own paths and the transformative impact of embracing your true self in the pursuit of success.

Find it on Spotify, Apple Podcast, and Youtube.

2. Featured LinkedIn Post:

"The 7 things I'd do if I had to restart my sales career"

In my 12 years in tech sales I hit Presidents Club 6x as well as had a few 🍩's next to my name at EOQ. It's the rollercoaster of sales, but if I were to restart my sales career here's the 7 things I'd do👇

3. Quote to fuel your Alluviance:

"I'm not concerned with noise because I'm playing the long game."​ – Jay-Z

Please, please, please. Start to play the long game now. Your future self will thank you later!

With Alluviance,

Alex Kremer


If you're interesting in getting more Alluviance in your life, we would love to host you at a future immersion. Let's chat.

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