Weekly Alluviance #37: Continuing the Trend Line

This is Weekly Newsletter #37, which is the ultimate who cares of numbers. Not a milestone number or a round number. Just a mid-high thirties number.
This week, the quality is certainly better overall than the first few newsletters. It's better than #15. It may not be better than last week, because last week's newsletter was a banger, but there is a trend line that is improving. Up and to the right. The strength and skill of creating a weekly newsletter that connects with our readers is getting better.
And so it is with all things.
Your 237th cold call will be better than your first. The first team you lead. The first time you meditate. The first time you lose a big deal.
They are all learning moments on your journey. But only if you treat them as such. Worry less about if your last attempt was perfect (it wasn't) and focus more on the trend line improving bit by bit over time.
That's how we get to greatness. Continue the trend line moving in a positive direction. There's no doubt that Weekly Newsletter #237 will be a masterpiece to behold, because there will have been 236 attempts prior to master our craft. I'll see you there in 200 weeks and let you be the judge 😜
1. The Rising Leader Podcast:

Repost: Uncovering The Power Of Patience: The Journey to Making an Impact with Tom Alaimo
In keeping with today's theme of improving the trend line, I'm reposting one of the very first episodes of The Rising Leader podcast. Tom and I really brought it for this episode. And at the same time, I know we are both much better at this now. One of the very first things we talk about is comparing Tom Now vs Tom 5 Years from now. How fitting Tom!
Find it on Spotify and Apple Podcast.
2. Featured LinkedIn Post:
Want to ELEVATE your sales career in 2024?Here's the key focus...👉 Prioritize the inner game.
3. Quote to fuel your Alluviance:
"Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason mastery demands all of a person." – Albert Einstein
That's a wrap for #37. Another marker on our trend line towards mastery.
With Alluviance,
Alex Kremer
If you're interesting in getting more Alluviance in your life, we would love to host you at a future immersion. Let's chat.
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