Weekly Alluviance #63: "Alex, You Look Like Sh*t"

I got on a zoom with a mentor, and the first thing out of his mouth is...
"Alex, you look like sh*t."
That completely derailed the entire conversation that I had planned. Especially because he was completely right. And not only did I look like sh*t, I felt like sh*t x10.
This, folks, is one of the hardest parts of the inner game work for me.
For as long as I can remember, I've been a "do-er." And, I have been “doing” like crazy recently - prospecting, meetings on meetings, coaching, serving clients, retreats, traveling... doing doing doing.
There’s a part of me that thinks if I’m not doing, I won’t build and attract what I want and know I’m capable of in this world. And if I don’t do that, I won’t be good enough (at least that's what my inner critic would have me believe).
I know many of you feel this as well. I hear it on my coaching calls with you all, talking to prospects, colleagues and friends. I keep saying to you (and to me): "It's not easy, but this is our work to do."
While I clearly don't have all the answers yet, I will offer you a little nugget of what has been working for me.
The last week, I've gratefully been in a deep state of rest. I’ve brought more light-heartedness to my biz and had more spaciousness in my mornings. I’ve been working more at coffee shops and lifting some iron at the gym. If you notice, this newsletter didn't go out this morning at 6:55am ET as it always does, and I'm okay with that.
Rest up.
Be playful.
Find spaciousness.
Get outside your house.
Do what makes you happy.
And most importantly, have faith 🙏
1. The Rising Leader Podcast:

You Matter, We Matter: Building Bridges in Leadership with Matthew Emerzian
Matthew Emerzian is the founder and CEO of Every Monday Matters, a keynote speaker and best-selling author who is here to share his transformative journey from the brink of despair to becoming a beacon of hope and leadership. Matthew explains the essence of mattering—not just in the personal sense but extending it to those around us and collectively in the communities we serve. Through his and Alex’s conversation, we uncover the powerful truth that leadership extends beyond mere achievements; it's about cultivating compassion, fostering a sense of belonging, and driving change by recognizing the inherent value in everyone. This episode invites you on a reflective journey to explore how embracing vulnerability, gratitude, and service can redefine your understanding of success and leadership in today’s world.
Find it on Spotify, Apple Podcast, and Youtube.
2. Featured LinkedIn Post:
"Upleveling the Inner Game"
After 8 years attending 100+ retreats and studying under a Zen Monk, I've learned some hard lessons on changing my inner game. Here's my 5 biggest lessons👇
3. Quote to fuel your Alluviance:
"We humans have lost the wisdom of genuinely resting and relaxing. We worry too much. We don’t allow our bodies to heal, and we don’t allow our minds and hearts to heal." – Thich Nhat Hanh
This newsletter was sent from a very relaxed place :)
With Alluviance,
Alex Kremer
If you're interesting in getting more Alluviance in your life, we would love to host you at a future immersion. Let's chat.
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